Customer Billing & Invoices

Campus Services bills monthly for all utilities and services provided which are not a part of routine maintenance covered by the educational and general budget allocation.  This includes services provided to auxiliaries or affiliates of the University.

Detailed invoice information is available on the web at and click on Invoices under the Customer Information header.  Please sign in using the appropriate Emory Network ID and password.  To request or reset an Emory Network password, call the ITD Helpdesk at 404.727.7777. 

To Obtain Service Information

Click on SmartKey under Billing Information\Customer Billing\Search Invoice By

To Search for a Service Invoice by Account Number

Enter the 10 digit SmartKey and select the appropriate month and year

Please direct additional questions regarding service invoice or billing information to Veronica Lofton at 404.712.9029  or Tim Lawson at 404.727.2688.  A case number will be assigned for tracking and follow-up purposes for questions that cannot be addressed immediately. 

To Obtain Utility Invoice Information

Click SmartKey under Billing Information\Utility Billing\Search Invoice By

The 10-digit SmartKey must be entered and the appropriate month and year selected.