Campus Services is committed to providing up-to-date information for our community regarding our response and adjustment to Covid-19.

Please use this site as a source for department-specific responses that may impact the Emory community.

Zero Waste Training

Campus Services has further developed Emory University's Zero Waste initiative to include details on reducing and diverting waste from Covid-19 disposable personal protective equipment (PPEs).

Details: Here

Fresh Air/HVAC Strategy and Campus Sanitization Plan

The university is implementing several HVAC measures to support the health and safety of facilities. 

Additionally, in response to the COVID-19 pandemic, Campus Services has developed a Campus Sanitization strategy that will cover the sanitizing of the following areas throughout all university facilities: Common Areas, Lounges, Classrooms, Bathrooms, Dining Spaces.

Details: Here

Campus Services Guide to Services

The purpose of the Guide to Services is to provide an overview of the services delivered by Campus Services. This version has been revised to indicate the services provided during the phased recovery and return to campus due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

Details: Here

Transportation and Parking Services

Transportation and Parking Services has provided the following overview regarding fall return to campus.

Details: Here

PDC Support

PDC is supporting the return to campus and COVID-19 response efforts by serving as project managers for several initiatives. Listed below are the initiatives and associated project managers.

Contact the project manager directly to initiate or continue your school/ unit return to campus efforts.

Workplace Readiness Essentials
