Recycling at Emory
"Recycling is the critical first link in the manufacturing value chain and is an important component of the protection of the environment and American competitiveness. Recycled commodities such as metal, paper, plastics, and others feed U.S. manufacturing operations including transportation, infrastructure, manufactured goods, electronics, healthcare and personal supplies, and other priority needs for today’s world. Without recycling, we would need to harvest the earth for its natural resources, and/or depend on foreign countries for raw materials. Our world, our planet, and our livelihoods depend on recycling." Institute of Scrap Recycling Industries (ISRI, 2023).
About the Program
The Emory Recycles program recycles glass, paper, aluminum, and cardboard at the Material Recovery Facility (MRF) located on campus at 868 Peavine Creek Drive Atlanta GA, 30322. The MRF provides a public drop-off site for the surrounding community and accepts single-stream, glass, and cardboard for those who do not have access to curbside recycling.
Market conditions may preclude recyclables and organic materials from being diverted from landfills. Emory contracts with a waste management firm that uses due diligence with contracted downstream vendors to attempt to divert materials, whenever possible, from landfills.
The below items are accepted in our single-stream dumpsters:
- Aluminum
- Cardboard
- Paper
- Plastic
Bagged single-stream material cannot be recycled. Please debag! 😊
The below items are NOT accepted in our single-stream dumpsters:
- Tires
- Mattresses
- Refrigerators
- Electronics
- Food waste
- Building and Maintenance Materials
NO DUMPING! Monitored by 24-hour surveillance cameras.
What Do We Recycle?
- Moving boxes
- Shipping boxes
- Furniture boxes
Remove all packing materials and break them down.
- Bricks
- Cardboard
- Concrete
- Metal
- Paper
- Wallboard
- Wood
- For recycling electronics, use the link to request Office of Information Technology Services (OIT) services: http://it.emory.edu/electronicwaste/
- Glass bottles and jars of all colors
Removing labels is not necessary. Food jars must be empty of food residue.
- Aerosol cans of any type (air freshener, duster, deodorant, bug spray, etc.)
- All types of batteries
- CFL & LED light bulbs
- Clean Styrofoam (no food grade Styrofoam)
- Glass - All colors of bottles and jars (no mirrors and reuse Pyrex)
- Ink and toner cartridges of any type
- Signage for hard-to-recycle stations: Hard-to-Recycle Station Signs
- Hard-to-recycle stations directory: Directory of Hard-To-Recycle Stations
- Hard-to-recycle stations map locations: https://sustainability.emory.edu/impact/interactive-map/
- All metal cans and foils (no food)
- Aluminum beverage cans
- Paper and binder clips, staples, magnets
- Colored paper, receipt paper, card stock, and glossy paper
- Paper file folders
- Newspapers, magazines, books, and phone books
- Small cardboard
- Paper board like frozen food boxes, milk cartons, etc.
- Plastic containers including beverage bottles and cups, toiletry bottles, food containers, aseptic bags
- Bubble wrap, tape, and labels
- Dental floss, sticker paper, mylar balloons and wrappers, K-cups (after emptied)
- Mixed materials like pens, markers, sponges, bubble-lined envelopes plastic-lined wrappers, binder clips, staplers, tacks
- Plastic bottles, plastic clam shells, and plastic trays (no food)
- Plastic zip bags, plastic wrap, grocery bags
- Snack wrappers, chip bags, cereal bags
- Industrial metals excluding tin and aluminum
- Printer paper
- Notebook paper
- Envelopes with or without windows
- Mat colored paper that tears white
What Don't We Recycle?
- Cat litter and dog waste
- Soiled Styrofoam food containers
- Used baby diapers
- Used sharps in a rigid cardboard container
Lab Recycling
- Use this link to learn more about what we recycle in labs: Signage for Emory Labs Waste Streams
- Compost
- Glass
- Mixed Paper
- Plastics and Metals
- White Paper
- Paper towels
- Non-infectious animal bedding
- No contaminated lab wipes and paper towels
Food waste should be placed in an appropriate compost container outside of the lab. Food is not permitted in Emory labs.
- Glass bottles
- Vessels
- Instruments of any color
- No broken glass, Pyrex, or borosilicate glass
- Newsprint
- Magazines
- Folders
- Colored paper
- Small cardboard
- Cardboard packaging materials
- Pipette trays and scoops
- Plastic jars and bottles
- Film packaging
- Tip racks
- Other plastic products or packaging
- Printer paper
- Notebook paper
- Mat colored paper that tears white
- Envelopes without plastic windows
- Landfill materials
- Pyrex and borosilicate glass
- Ice and gel cold packs
- Reuse non-hazardous and/or autoclaved Pyrex and gel packs
- Used sharps in a rigid cardboard container
- To learn more about Green Labs at Emory, use the link from the Office of Sustainability (OSI) website: https://sustainability.emory.edu/programs/green-labs-at-emory/
- To complete the Green Labs at Emory Certification Checklist, use the link from the Office of Sustainability (OSI) website: Green Labs at Emory Certification Checklist
Event Recycling
- Use the link to learn more about what we recycle at events: Special Events Recycling Equipment at Emory
- Compost
- Mixed Recycling
- Compostable Cutlery
- Compostable Food Containers
- Wood Beverage Stirrers
- Food Waste
- Napkins and Paper Towels
- Soiled Paper Products
- Tissues
- Plastics
- Metals
- Mixed paper
- Cardboard
- To learn more about Sustainable Events at Emory, use the link from the Office of Sustainability (OSI) website: https://sustainability.emory.edu/programs/sustainable-events-at-emory/
To complete the Sustainable Events at Emory Certification Checklist, use the link from the Office of Sustainability (OSI) website: Sustainable Events at Emory Certification Checklist
Office Recycling
Use the link to learn more about what we recycle in offices at Emory: Office Recycling Equipment at Emory
To learn more about Green Offices at Emory, use the link from the Office of Sustainability (OSI) website: https://sustainability.emory.edu/programs/green-offices-at-emory/
To complete the Green Offices at Emory Certification Checklist, use the link from the Office of Sustainability (OSI) website: Green Offices at Emory Certification Checklist